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Thursday, May 21, 2009
Pwiincess J0j0♥ Wellc0me t0 my w0rldd ,, Th-sweetest place 0f all...

Quiiz 11

( sabo by ruii )
http://www.ilovek-uro.blogspot.com/ ( if cannot copy then go her blog copy )

Q1: What is your wallpaper on your computer?
Wanlingg && my face (:

.Q2: How many televisions have you in your house?

Q3: Are you right-handed or left-handed?
right-handed, [:

Q4: Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
uhh, tooth? O:

Q5: What is the last heavy item you lifted?
Dk ? mayb th bottle sheri tell me to refill .

.Q6: Have you ever been knocked out?:D i
Nahh .

Q7: If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
depends. [:

Q8: If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
j0j0 (:

What colour do you think looks best on you?
err ... BLUE !

Q10: Have you ever swallowed a non-food item?
dk lehh .

Q11: Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200 000?
Siaoo . dun wan ...

Q12: Would you never blog again for $50 000?
cancancan ! but 1mil better ...

Q13: Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
yessssssss !

Q14: Would you, without fear of punishment, take a human life for $1 000 000?

Q15: What is in your left pocket?
uhh, nothing?

Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie?
Nvr hear b4 .

Q17: Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house?
hmm, nope.

Q18: Do you sit or stand in the shower?
L0LS . stand lahh -_- (XD)

Q19: How many pairs of flip flops do you own?

Q20: Last person who texted you?
Yanwei . askin hol practise (:

Q21: Last person who called you?
Mumm lohh .

Q22: Last person you hugged
idk .

Q23: Number?

Q24: Season
Summer !

Q25: Colour?

Q26: Missing someone?
yeaaa. D:

Q27: Mood?

Q28: Listening to?

Q29: Watching?

Q30: Worrying about?
nth ?


Q32: First place you went to this morning?

Q33: What can you wait not to do?

Q34: Do you smile often?

Q35: Are you a friendly person?

Tag 8 people , after finishing this quiz;
1. Yanweii ( dardar will do 1 ritee )
2. LiAn ( Uu anything lahh . since uu dun lik to postt )
3. Zhenghao ( uu same as edison lahh ! but i tink uu very lazyy )
4. MARIO ( muzzz . i forcee uu to doo -_-)
5. Eunice ( idk uu will do anott )
6.Sheri ( i noe uu wont do )
7.Sheryl ( dododod !! )
8.Weiping ( anythingg )

- 爱 l0ve 恨 Hate -
Friday, March 13, 2009
Pwiincess J0j0♥ Wellc0me t0 my w0rldd ,, Th-sweetest place 0f all...

Quiiz 10

( Sab0 byy ruii )

Ten 'are you's:
1. Are you single?
-- n0 ?
2. Are you happy?
-- yeaps !
3. Are you bored?
-- Yeaps ... nth t0 d0 ?
4. Are you fair?
-- i think so.
5. Are you Italian?
-- N0
6. Are you intelligent?
-- Dk ?
7. Are you honest?
-- sometimes.
8. Are you nice?
-- S0me lik me s0me d0nt ?
9. Are you Irish?
-- NO
10. Are you Asian?

- 爱 l0ve 恨 Hate -
Pwiincess J0j0♥ Wellc0me t0 my w0rldd ,, Th-sweetest place 0f all...

Quiiz 9

(Sab0 byy siewhu)

1.Besides your lips, where is your favourite spot to get kissed ?
2. How do you feel when you woke up this morning ?
3. Who was the last person you took photo with ?
wanling meii !!
4. Would you considered to be spoiled ?
5. Would you ever donate blood ?
Not sure
6. Have you a good friend of the opposite sex ?
7. Do you want someone dead ?
8. What does your last text msg say ?
ya but haven post anything and haven finish
9. What are you thinking of right now ?
when will sk00l start again? c0z n0w g0t march h0lidayy . sad .
10. Did you wish someone was with you right now ?
yeaps . i wishh .
11. When did you go to sleep last night ?
12. Where did you bought the t-shirt you're wearing now ?
13. Is someone in your mind right now ?
14. Who was the last person who texted you ?
15. People tagged to do this quiz ?
1) Grace
2) Ashley
3) Keith
4) Vanessa
5) Wanling
6) Siewhui
7) Yashi
8) JiunNing
9) Angelene
10) Annmarie

16. Who is 2 having a relationship with ?
17. Is 3 a male or female ?
18. If 7 and 10 get together, will it be a good thing ?
They dk each 0ther

19. What is number 1 study about ?
20. Is number 4 single ?
21. Say something about number
She is my best meii !!
22. What do you think about number 3 and 6 together ?
They dk each 0ther
23. Describe number 9.
She is 0LD !
24. What will you do if number 6 and 7 fight ?
Stop them lol.
25. Do you like number 8 ?
as in fwen ,, YES !

- 爱 l0ve 恨 Hate -
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Pwiincess J0j0♥ Wellc0me t0 my w0rldd ,, Th-sweetest place 0f all...

Quiiz 8

( Sab0 by ruii )

o1. name: J0eyycsmm
2. nick: j0j0 ,, jcsm ,, simin ,, baby kangaroo
3. married? n0 duh !
4. zodiac sign: pisces ♥
5. gender: femaleo
6. age: 12 +.
8. height:152cm.
9. weight: 40kg.
10. do you like yourself: n0 & yes
11. piercings: ear?
12. right or left?: right. handed?
13. are you a freak?: ch0ch0 FREAK!!
14. hair: black, with tints of brown.
15. skin: beige
16. allergies: none ~
17. what are you doing now? this quiz.
18. what will you be doing 1hr later?ransacking my fridge to find my ch0c0
19. what will you be doing 10yrs later?h0ww i n0ee?
20. live with: mum, dad, br0 , sis
21. you found your other half?secrett?
22. if yes, who is he?SECRETT
23. if no, who do you want him to be? him ,, a guy 0f c0urse ...
24. no. of times you have been in a relationship: -CENSORED-
25. ever woo-ed boy/girl? secrett
26. have you did anything wrong to your other half?: secret
27. what was the wrong you have done? nth?
28. Ever argued with your other half? uhh, yesh
29. You and your other half since: dk?
30. are you straight or lesbo?: STRAIGHT LA!
31. reason you love your other half: g0t hui-liing
32. you and your other half in which stage: extinct-stage.
33. you woo him, or he woo you? mmm...dk?
34. enemy you hate most: him & her
35. your most beautiful girlfriend: xinrui m0st beautifull & ahlian sis !!!!!
36. most handsome guy friend: all are ugly muahahahhaha.
37. kind of girl which you dislike most: slutty, bitchy, selfish-y, act cute-y -.-
38. kind of guy you dislike most: NERD.
39. fall in love with your close friend before? dkk?
40. your best friend is your ex-lover: uhh ya?
41. if your friend is backstabbing you:hATE HER F0REVER !
42. if your friend betray you: i'll kick her in her butt
43. if your friend woo your lover: ewwwwwwwwww. bu yao lian.
44. if your friend fall in love with you: s0?
45. if you fall in love with your best friend: giirl 0r b0yy ? i n0t les h0rr
THE STUDIES46. are you a good student?: YUP! as if.
47. always done your homework/assignments: s0metimess
48. the teacher/tutor you love most:math & science dee
49. always late for school?: i very early 1
50. you love your seniors: yea !! all
51. snrs who love you the most: priscialliaaaaaaaaaa ( SHE R0CKKKS !!! )
52. are your classmates good or bad?: okok l0hh ... s0me gd s0me badd
53. excellent results classmate : Ashley
54. laziest classmate?: me? LOL.
55. smart people: top 10?shiyi c0nfirm fiirst
56. stupid people: i can't say them all.but 1 gurl in my class wh0 sit nside miie
57. goodlooking people: hiim ~~~
58. ugly people: herr !
59. funny people: keith ,, shir0ng ,, jiajing ,, jerryl ,, yik khuen ,, etc
60. cute people: ALL OF MY FRIENDS! especially ruii
61. honest people: dk
62. acting people: they should know who they are.
63. what kind of person are you: dk
64. hugs or kisses: huggies
65. shorter or taller: taller, obviously.
66. hesitant or spontaneous: spontaneous
67. nice stomach or arms: arms.
68. listener or talker: listener
69. romantic or rich: romantic
70. lips or eyes: eyes!
71. good husband or good father: b0thh
72. age to get married: abt 25?
73. no. of kids: no way in hell. agree wiif ruii
74. career: singer. actress . d0 buisness .
75. salary: 100K or more!
76. retirement age: the day i die.
77. properties value: uhh?
78. wishes: earn biig m0neyy

- 爱 l0ve 恨 Hate -
Pwiincess J0j0♥ Wellc0me t0 my w0rldd ,, Th-sweetest place 0f all...

Quiiz 7

(Sab0 byy ruii )

[] talked back to a teacher
[] been kicked out of class
[] worn pjs to school
[] had your tooth fall out in school outside school while playing with schoolmates
[] gotten lost in your school
[] broken the dress code
[] completely failed a test
[x] left class without asking
[] missed a whole week of school
[] been beat up in school
[x] thrown up in school

[x] argue with your parents a lot
[x] argue with your brothers
[x] argue with your sister(s) a lot
[] have your own room
[] do your own laundry
[x] cook dinner once in a while i made maggiemee :D
[] are loud and obnoxious at home shouting madafcuker every few minutes
[] wear pjs when you are not going anywhere
[] sleep in a lot
[] all you do is watch tv
[] parents divorced
[x] family makes you cry a lot
[]one or more grandparents live with you

[x] currently dislike one or more of your friends
[] currently is jealous of one or more of your friends
[x] known a friend for all your life
[] all your friends are taller than you T_____T
[] ditched by a friendXINRUIIIII
[x] have memorised a friend's phone/house number
[] have lost a friend's phone/house number
[] been to all your friends' houses
[x] love most of your friends

[] bite your nails?
[] have a weird obsession with knifes?
[] cannot sleep with the door open
[x] cannot sleep with the door closed
[x] there is at least one sound you cannot stand
[] you write stories about mad cannibalistic serial killers
[] you are good at telling lies

[x] you currently like someone
[] you want to kill one of your ex-es
[] you can stay committed for a long time
[] you get bored of your crush/bf/gf easily
[] a crush/bf/gf had called you a bitch before
[] a crush/bf/gf had called you self-centered before

[] you hate George Bush
[] abortion is horrible and should be banned
[] Gay marriage is fine to you
[x] boys make better friends than girls
[x] beach is a good place for a date
[] pink is an ugly color kinda.
[] human flesh taste like fine aged veal no comment.

[] fallen down the stairs AND FLEW THROUGH A WINDOW~
[] someone tied your shoelaces together
[] had a nail fall off
[] captured, destroyed, or manipulated a soul uhh?
[] had surgery tooth.
[] killed someone GYAAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA!!
[x] slapped someone across the face
[] someone called you a tease
[] been to europe
[x] worn something inside out for the whole day

- 爱 l0ve 恨 Hate -
Pwiincess J0j0♥ Wellc0me t0 my w0rldd ,, Th-sweetest place 0f all...

Quiiz 6

( sab0 byy xinruii )

1. do you have secrets?

2. will you fall in love with someone younger than you?
Mayb ,, but m0st pr0bablyy w0nt . same age but a few m0nth diff nvm lahhs ...

3. do you enjoy going to school?
Yea ,, if n0 hw ...

4. what will you do if you have a billion dollars?
lets see ...

5. will you fall in love with your best friend?
myabee ...

6. which is more blessed, being loved or loving someone?
being l0ve ,, l0ving s0me0ne is th same feeliing ...

7. list our your favourite 15 songs currently:a
>kang ding qing ge
>zhi zu
> fen shou kuai le
>ke xi bu shi ni
>wu ding
>tian heihei
>ni guang
>jian chi dao di
>an jing le
>re dai yu lin
>chong bai
>ziao shou la da shou
>sha gua
>cest la vie
>ju hua tai

8. if the person you secretly like is attached, what will you do?
l0ve an0ther 1 lahh ...

9.is there anything that makes you very happy?
shld i say litlle ? ♥
10. what makes you angry?

11. what would you see yourself in 10 years time?
Perf0rm ~~~ singing & dancing

12. who is currently the most important person in your life?
xinrui & alm0st every0ne wh0 treats miie gd ...

13. what is the most important thing in your life?

14. ehh? n0 questi0nn?

15. what is your favourite color?
Blue & white & pinkk

16. would you give it all in a relationship?
if that guy's worth it :D

17. if you are in love with 2 people at the same time, who will you pick?
idk ... c0nfuse ....

18. will you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing a person had done to you?
i'll forget, n mayb f0rgiive t0 s0me

19. what would you want to tell the person you like?
.20. what type of person would you fall in love with?
♥he would come to my class everyday.
♥he's unique.
♥he will join me in shouting.

- 爱 l0ve 恨 Hate -
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Pwiincess J0j0♥ Wellc0me t0 my w0rldd ,, Th-sweetest place 0f all...

Quiiz 5

(sab0 byy samantha)

1) What Kind Of Boyfriend/Girlfriend do you like ?
- Be there for me when i need him

2) How did you celebrate your 1st Month ?
- Never.

3) Did you feel safe with your Boyfriend/Girlfriend ?
- Sometimes. Depends..

4) When you see your stead injure/sick, would you be there when you're busy ?
- Yeaps.
5) When it's your 12 month & your stead is having other relationship, what would you do ?
- Break with him.

6) What if your ex is still loving you and he/she is single while you're attached ?
- say s0wiie...

7) Are You Single, having relationship or crush with someone ?
- Do you really need to know?

8) List out 3 Love/Sad Song.
* Missing me
* Teardrops on my guitar
* Until i get over you

9) What would you do if you & your stead quarrel ?
- I dont know?

10) Do you wish to know someone crush on you ?
- l0ls! Whatever for?

11) What if you're single & someone crush on you ?
- d0 nth ...
12) How many times had your heart broken by somebody ?
- idk? many times ... family ,, fren ,, etcetc ...

13) How do you feel when you fall in love with someone ?
- You go find out yourself.

14) If you & your stead quarrel, who will be the one apologizing ?
- I dont know.

15) What would you do if your stead want a break up ?
- f0rgett abt hiim ~

16) Did any stead give you present that you like the most ?
- Nopeee.

17) When did you last cry for someone whom you love ?
- Grad night.

18) How many times did you break promise to your stead ?
- ahahah ... 1 time ~

19) Did you wish that your relationship will last long ?
- Duh, who doesn't?

20) Did you & your stead kiss in public ?
- l0ls! Dont be so meddlesome.

Pass this to your friends to know how their relationship is going on.
Send them by msn, or ask them to copy & paste. Post in their blog.
Remember To put down 11 names so that your relationship will last long!

Taqq :
- Xinrui ♥
- Asyraf ♥
- Yashi
- JunCheng
- Szehui
- Yingshan
- Camellia
- Liping
- Shujing
- Haziqq
- Shir0ng

- 爱 l0ve 恨 Hate -


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